At-Home Care for Athlete's Foot

At-Home Care for Athlete's Foot

Here’s what you can do to banish athlete’s foot on your own.

Fungus lives all around us, particularly in environments that are warm, dark and damp. Therefore, they also find the spaces between toes an appealing place to thrive. This is why it’s so important to wear shoes when you’re in the locker room, gym shower or local pool. If you happen to catch athlete’s foot, it’s not the end of the world. Here’s what you can do to treat it yourself, as well as warning signs that it’s time to visit our Carmel and Indianapolis, IN, podiatrist Dr. Jeffrey Agricola for treatment.

How can I tell that it’s athlete’s foot?

Athlete’s foot causes a red rash between the toes. This rash may crack or peel. You may also notice soreness, burning or intense itching. While most cases of athlete’s foot develop between toes it may also develop on the heel or soles of the feet.

What can I do to treat athlete’s foot?

Most healthy individuals can treat their fungal infection from the comfort of their own home with over-the-counter antifungal creams or sprays that are designed specifically to treat athlete’s foot. Most mild to moderate forms of athlete’s foot will respond effectively to over-the-counter treatments.

Make sure to follow the instructions exactly to ensure that the infection is fully treated and won’t return. Once the fungal infection is gone, it’s important to keep your feet dry and to wear protective shoes or sandals when in community showers and locker rooms.

Once the infection is cleared you may also want to consider sprinkling talcum powder on your feet and in your shoes before putting shoes on. This can help to wick away moisture, which can attract fungus.

When should I turn to a doctor for treatment?

There are certain situations in which it’s best to turn to a doctor for treatment. Seek care from our Carmel and Indianapolis, IN, foot doctor if,

  • You have diabetes and you’ve developed athlete’s foot
  • You have a severe case of athlete’s foot (you may need a stronger, prescription medication)
  • Your athlete’s foot is spreading or getting worse
  • Home care and over-the-counter treatments are not providing you with relief
  • You develop recurring bouts of athlete’s foot

If you are dealing with recurring athlete’s foot or other fungal infections that affect the health of your feet or toenails, then turn to the podiatry experts at Prestige Podiatry. We have offices in Carmel and Indianapolis, IN, to serve you. For the Carmel, IN, office, call (317) 846-4111. For our Indianapolis, IN, location, please call (317) 881-0070.