High Success Plantar Wart/Warts Treatment Indianapolis, Carmel, Greenwood, Zionsville, Noblesville, Westfield, Center Grove, Indiana

High Success Plantar Wart/Warts Treatment Indianapolis, Carmel, Greenwood, Zionsville, Noblesville, Westfield, Center Grove, Indiana

Our board certified podiatrist/foot doctor serving Indianapolis, Carmel, Zionsville, Westfield, Noblesville, Fishers, Greenwood, Center Grove, Indiana is treating plantar wart/warts with high success rates.  Warts on the bottom of the foot are much more difficult to treat than warts in other areas secondary to the increased thickness of skin on the bottom of the foot.  Warts grow within the skin and the thicker skin on the bottom of the foot often makes warts not able to be treated well with over the counter remedies.  If the wart or group of warts is not extensive, the warts can often be treated with a prescription acid available to our foot doctor/podiatrist, Dr. Jeff Agricola.  The advantage to this particular acid over previous freezing techniques is that there is no pain with application which is good for younger patients.  If warts are deeper, they may be excised in the office in less than 10 minutes with a quick return to activity.  If there are multiple extensive warts, then a laser is often used on an outpatient basis.
Prestige Podiatry is also treating plantar fasciitis/heel pain/heel spur syndrome, ingrown toenails, laser treatment toenail/nail fungus, bunions, hammertoes, corns, calluses, running and sports related injuries and pain.  Call our highly trained and experienced Indianapolis foot doctor/podiatrist today for an appointment serving Indianapolis, Carmel, Greenwood, Center Grove, Zionsville, Westfield, Fishers, Noblesville, Indiana.