Plantar Fasciitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Plantar Fasciitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Discover more about this common cause of heel pain.

Are you dealing with heel pain? If this is the first time dealing with heel pain, you may be unable to tell whether you’re experiencing plantar fasciitis or whether another condition or injury causes your pain. That’s where our Indianapolis and Carmel, IN, podiatrist Dr. Jeffrey Agricola can step in and provide the answers and treatment plan you need to get back on your feet again.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammatory foot condition that results when too much stress is placed on the plantar fascia, a band of tissue in the feet responsible for supporting the arches. This stress leads to microtears in the fascia, leading to swelling and inflammation. The plantar fascia is responsible for walking and other foot movements.

What Causes It?

Plantar fasciitis is often the result of overuse. If you are a runner or athlete, you are more at risk for developing plantar fasciitis. Other risk factors that can increase the likelihood of developing plantar fasciitis include,

  • Running on uneven surfaces
  • Wearing improperly fitted shoes or worn-out shoes
  • Suddenly increasing the intensity or severity of a run or workout
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Being on your feet most of the day, often for work
  • Flat feet
  • High arches
  • Overpronation
  • Being over age 40

What Are the Warning Signs of Plantar Fasciitis?

The telltale sign of plantar fasciitis is heel pain that originates below the heel bone. When our Indianapolis and Carmel, IN, team asks you questions about your pain, we will ask the location of your heel pain as this will determine whether you are dealing with plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis (another common cause of heel pain). Along with heel pain, you may also experience,

  • Stiffness in the foot, especially after periods of inactivity
  • Intense or worsening heel pain after inactivity
  • Swelling of the heel
  • Pain that radiates to the arches of the foot
  • Trouble putting weight on the foot

How Is Plantar Fasciitis Treated?

If you are dealing with minor heel pain, you may try treating the problem at home with rest, over-the-counter anti-inflammatories, light foot stretches and elevation. It’s important to wear shoes and not to go barefoot, as shoes can provide additional cushioning and support and absorb shock while walking, standing or moving.  

When Should I See a Podiatrist?

If you find that rest and home care isn’t improving your symptoms within the first 72 hours, you should call our Indianapolis and Carmel, IN, podiatrist for care. Suppose you’re experiencing severe plantar fasciitis pain. In that case, you are unable to put any weight on the foot, you develop numbness or tingling, or you notice a change in the overall structure and shape of your feet, these are signs that you require immediate medical attention.

Worried that your heel pain may be plantar fasciitis? If so, our Indianapolis and Carmel, IN, foot and ankle team can provide you with the answers and care you deserve. Call Prestige Podiatry at (317) 846-4111 or (317) 881-0070 to schedule an evaluation with Dr. Agricola.