Bunions Causes And Treatments

Bunions Causes And Treatments

Anyone who has suffered from bunions knows that they can be more than just an aesthetic problem. They can be painful, and if nothing is done to treat them they can lead to more painful complications. Your Indianapolis and Carmel, IN, podiatrist can help treat your bunions, treatment will depend on the severity of the condition, though for the most part, these treatments are largely non-invasive. Some of the causes for the appearance of bunions, and what can worsen them, will be explored below, but to learn more you can reach out to Dr. Jeffrey Agricola of Prestige Podiatry.

Common Causes

A bunion is a large bump that forms on the side of your foot by your big toe, what some don't realize is that this bump is actually the joint of the toe moving out of place, and the bump is actually bone. Complications can occur because so much of the weight of your body is distributed onto this joint. This can lead to excessive pain and the foot becoming further deformed.

The cause for bunions is believed to be genetic, related to how your arches and the general structure of your feet develop from birth. Although wearing very tight-fitting shoes is thought to exacerbate the condition. So although they may not directly cause them they certainly play their part. Walking on constraining shoes and already faulty foot structures can aggravate the underlying problem with the constant motion and pressure.

Bunion in Indianapolis and Carmel, IN

Treatment for bunions can include the use of custom orthotics to relieve pressure on your arches and slow the progression of the bunion's growth. Your doctor may suggest over-the-counter pain relievers for mild pain and swelling, and gel pads can also help but be weary of advertisements that suggest that these can reduce the size of the bunion. When noninvasive approaches are exhausted or the bunion is too painful then your doctor could suggest surgery to correct it.

If you are looking for bunions treatment in Indianapolis and Carmel, IN, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Agricola of Prestige Podiatry by dialing (317) 881-0070 for the Indianapolis, IN, office and (317) 846-4111 for Carmel, IN.